
Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Same Lies by the Same Liars

 I trust you had a happy new year. I know I did, peaceful and loving and friendly.

But the new year has to start somewhere. I offer to you Glenn Greenwald's Jan. 3 Substack show transcript at


It's long and it also includes an insightful interview at the end about gummint censorship of the COVID debate. 

But it's the first part I want to highly recommmend to anyone who favors increased aid to Ukraine for fighting its Russian invaders, without deep thought about what it is we're doing to make that war possible.

Please, please, please read that part. The article is called "Erasing Inconvenient Truths." It is, at least in part, about the media's control of our thoughts and beliefs regarding our nearly unquestioned US support of the war in Ukraine. To the tune of $100bil and counting. Stand by, there will be more money, deaths and corruption.

Thanks to Biden, ("10% for the Big Guy,"),we took over the country and installed our own government (puppets included). We regaled new perceived friends, the Zelensky crowd of puppets. 

We stood by while they stole, are stealing, massive amounts of money and as they crushed dissent. A nation-wide Neo-Nazi group, the Azov Group, leads much of the military resistance to Russia. The same way that the original Nazis purged Ukraine of its national character and soul.

My basic message is that we've been lied to again, about almost everything, by the same people who have lied to us so often and egregiously in the past, about the same things they've lied to us before.

Damn, that's insulting. I've talked about gummint lying recently. Is nothing true that they tell us? More than ever, it seems that way. The border crisis, the budget, inflation, elections. They tell us what they want us to think is, "the truth."

Many gummint lies are about US conflict overseas. Wars. That's because wars offer the military-industrial complex the most opportunity for ginormous (an actual word) profits. Why wouldn't they lie? Remember that Ike warned us about them? We embraced them instead.

The profit margin on $100bil is really, really big. Say 50%, maybe, or another number that makes sense to you. And the more the pad, the more they can siphon off to the war sponsors to create more wars.

Poor us.

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