
Saturday, December 24, 2022


Had Enough Yet? Pet Peeves

This post is about pet peeves. Some of mine and, I hope, some of yours. I'll start:

1. Please stop the posts and articles about former Baywatch babes still trying to look hot in 2022. They were in their thirties when they starred. It's 2022 now. Their kids have age wrinkles, brown spots and stretch marks. I've had enough!

2. Pierre Trudeau is the new age monarch of a complacent Canada. Doesn't anyone up there care enough to tell him to  STOP IT? I've had enough! Why haven't they? 

3. Why is Whoopie Goldberg tolerated by any sentient people? Why does anyone care what she thinks? She will burble her thoughts on topics du jour (yes, not completely unlike yours truly) and  she has a national platform from which to pitch her stupid mental farts. She gets paid a bajillion bucks (an actual sum) to do it. I've had enough!

4. (Whoopie continued) From Fox News:

Goldberg told The Times the Nazis weren't originally targeting a specific race, but those who were physically and mentally 'defective.'

Please click the above link if you don't believe me. Apparently, Whoopie has a different copy of Mein Kampf than the one I read. Hitler was "the Nazis." And, yes, he wanted to eliminate the physically and mentally unsound, too. And he wanted the government to decide who they were. I've had enough!

(Pet peeve 4.5) No one today knows what's in Mein Kampf. Shouldn't we, before we call each other Nazis? I've had enough!

I see I've only got one more. Hmmm.

5. Sharon Osbourne, why is she a thing? Ozzy was bad enough. Grossly bad, as a matter of fact. But his old lady? Why why why pay any attention to her? Talk about the physically and mentally unsound. I've had enough!

OK, now it's your turn. Please leave your pet peeves in the comments section. I'll write more about mine in the future.

Merry Christmas!

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