
Friday, January 20, 2023

 It's hardly a drop in the bucket!

I mentioned on Jan. 12 that another $3bil for Ukraine is almost too small for us to notice, on top of the $100bil we already handed out. And, apparently, no one did notice. Three is such a small number.

Today, it's only $1.3 bil. But that's just today. I told you then, "this month is still young." It's still only middle-aged. Do you think this will be the last "tranche" for Ukraine? No, it won't be. You'll give more, sucker, and soon.

What are you getting for your money? "Well, it's RUSSIA!" our war hawks insist, as if that excuses everything. 

News flash: The US is getting NOTHING for all our money! It's the Hunter Biden Story in realpolitik, something for nothing but the chicks ain't free. Hey, if Obama could do it in Iran, free money, that is, what would make Joe think he couldn't do it in Ukraine.

I've been in Russia twice during the Putin reign. No one there wanted war. They still don't. Americans are the same. Conscription is near-universal in Russia unless your dad is someone special. Like it used to be in the US. Neighboring countries are overrun with draft refugees. You remember Canada, don't you?

Joe Biden salutes at the top of the stairs of Air Force 1. Someone had to teach him how. He's had a career in government service but never had to spend a day in uniform so he didn't learn saluting the way everyone else had to. Here, Joe, hold your hand like this, and look serious.

Hunter thought he'd better get some military experience if he had real political ambitions, like his dad. That's what his handlers told him. Why NOT be an incompetent president just like dad? You don't have to know anything and you already know how to get bunches of cash from China.

Got lots of money and not in jail? Doesn't seem to take much more that that to be a candidate. But no, Hunter was kicked out of the Navy shortly after he received his commission. And how hard did he work for that? Hint: Not as hard as your son did. Cocaine, y'know. Busted. That's gonna bruise his chances at the presidency. 

But nothing is impossible for SuperHunter. Drugs, hookers, bribery, corruption? Youthful indiscretions, that's all. And at least his dad was untouched by it all. Snicker.

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