
Saturday, February 17, 2024

Extra! Putin Murders Novalny! Biden Copycats! Read All About It!

Extra! Putin Murders Navalny! Biden Copycats! Read All About it!

It’s the headline you will never read. Proof is required and there is none. Of course, there is none. Russian murderers are professional killers acting under the guise of the highest authority in Russia. It’s the same as the mysterious explosion of Prigozhin’s jet and the murders of journalists on the Kremlin bridge. Proof? What do you mean by proof? We said it. That’s the proof.

Do you remember reporter, truth teller and author Anna Politkovskaya? You can’t be  braver than Anna. She told the truth about Chechnya and Putin and she couldn’t be ignored. Anna was murdered in her apartment elevator for telling the truth. Ponder that for a moment. Murdered for telling the truth. Murder in an elevator is a crime novel staple. For her, it was real.

Before that, Anna was poisoned en route to Beslan to assist in hostage negotiations for the children who were eventually murdered there. The poison didn’t quite work. Poisoned.

Alexander Litvinenko, the KGB/FSB defector, was poisoned in London for telling the truth about the Russian secret state. He accused it of blowing up Moscow apartments, murdering a Russian oligarch, poisoning Politkovskaya and much more. He was an insider telling truths we would otherwise never hear. Poisoned.

The other day, Alexander Navalny, an outspoken critic of the Putin regime, was taking a walk in his gulag camp, Polar Wolf. He fell ill and was taken to the camp hospital where he died. The government won’t release the body for an autopsy. They made that mistake with Litvinenko, where they eventually found the poison. Poisoned.

Eliminating the competition is a timeless strategy. Poisoning is harder to get away with in the US, with our reasonably open and very sophisticated medical technology. Poisoning is ugly and reporters notice, if they’re any good, and it makes good press. If it bleeds, it leads.

You don’t have to kill your political opposition in America, especially if you’re the party in power. Jail is a popular tool of American repression. Always has been. Its spinoff is accusations.

If Biden can orchestrate massive accusations of Trump in multiple jurisdictions, that can work in his favor in four ways:

First, it can cast public doubt on his character, costing him votes;

Second, by keeping Trump busy in court he has less time for campaigning;

Third, prosecutors are on the public fisc with nearly unlimited funding. Defendants must pay-as-you-go and it’s very expensive;

Fourth, it might just anger and frustrate Trump so much that he gives up his efforts at nomination and election victory. That, of course, is Biden’s ultimate goal.

I hope not. Biden jumped the shark here and he’s terrified of the results.