
Friday, February 24, 2023

Dioxin and You



I'm a dioxin victim. Breathed it in while landing in burning defoliated fields, drank it in contaminated water and more. 

Turns out, though, the base I was stationed at, Bien Hoa, SVN, was also where they made and stored the terrible stuff. Thousands of barrels of it. So, double exposure for me.

But the day came when those chemical operations ended. It was before I got there. 

So what did they do, the Army Chemical Corps? 

They dumped it in pits they bulldozed in the ground. Out of sight, out of mind.

But it didn't go away. It stayed. It oozed its way out of the pits and into the ground water and bedrock and onto the surface.

Segue to earlier this month.

Dioxin was released in the Ohio train wreck. You know the one, with the fires and derailed tank cars full of dioxin that you saw on TV? 

Dioxin will kill you. It stays in the ground and leaves and water for a long time. Ohio has a big problem today that it didn't have last month.

Trains...Transportation...Dept. of Transportation. You know, the one headed by Pete Buttigieg, that DOT?

Petey B waited until yesterday to visit the site. No hurry, I guess. Didn't want to get his suits dirty. Wore some stylish shoes, too. Stylin' at the wreck site. "Get some pictures from this angle, boys!"

He couldn't fix the potholes in Indianapolis and he sure as hell can't fix a dioxin spill in Ohio. And God forbid that he gets anything on those neat shoes.

Too bad, eastern Ohio, you below-average Luddite Trump voters, clinging to your guns and Bibles and trying to protect your children and put food and clean water on your tables. How droll.

Not gonna work this time. We're sorry, says Petey. JoeyB hasn't even commented yet, much less visited. No votes to be harvested and, besides, there's UKRAINE! 

JoeyB did have time to pledge another $300 mil to Zylenskyy. That money and the other half-tril is so far unaccounted for but no worries

Trust us! It is impossible, IMPOSSIBLE I tell you, for any of that money to be laundered back into JoeyB's pockets. Just like it was before, you know, Hunter got caught.

It's a Monty Python sketch but we're not laughing.

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