
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

In Response to Andrew Piontek - Medium, June 14, 2024

In “How Supporting Ukraine Makes America Great Again,” Andrew Piontek says “some people say Ukraine is just as corrupt as Russia. Those that state this go on to say the Ukraine is not fighting for democracy but for a corrupt government.”

I grant that Ukraine is fighting because it has no choice, in the face of invasion. He ignores that the U.S. and Ukraine are responsible for the invasion and, when given a chance to prevent or end it, declined.

Ukraine is a fundamentally and thoroughly corrupt country that oppresses its citizens, clergy and industry, such of the last that remains. It is dominated by Nazi organizations from the trenches to the generals to the highest in government. Not just kinda-like-Nazis but real Hitler-was-right Nazis. Anyone who believes otherwise simply doesn’t understand the situation.

It is foolish to compare America’s War of Independence to the situation in Ukraine. They are not remotely the same. The former was an assembly of states fighting to gain independence from England and grant freedom to all its citizens. The latter is a grossly corrupt and incompetently led fascist country fighting to maintain that status against another oppressor. How are they the same?

As I wrote previously, “there are no good guys in Ukraine.” Yes, there are many innocent people who are dying because of the incompetence of both sides, aided by the U.S. and others. You conflate the conflict with the suffering of innocents. The fact that you’ve “had dinner with Ukrainian families” does not support your essay. The combined corruption of Russia and Ukraine is the source of the killing and suffering.

I don’t know how this war will or should end. I simply doubt that the resolution lies in supplying more arms to Ukraine with the ability to reach deeper and deeper into Russia.That’s not “poking the bear.” That is stabbing the bear with a small knife. Do not expect the Russian reaction to be proportionate. Proportionate reaction is not in the Russian military playbook and never has been.

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