Am I an Anti-Semite?
A Reconsideration
Merriam Webster: “a person who has a hostile, prejudiced attitude toward Jews.”
Honest self-appraisals are hard. They are suggested to us in Alcoholics Anonymous, not just when we work the twelve steps, Step 4, but ongoing self-appraisals, Step 10. We don’t know what to fix unless we know who we are. That applies here.
What am I, if I don’t support unlimited military aid to Israel? Anti-Israel? I don’t think so but I forgive you if you disagree. Hamas is despicable but our endless money drain isn’t doing anything to Hamas leadership, living in their mansions in Lebanon or Iran. We’re paying for the lifestyles of the rich and hostile.
Israel is killing a lot of Gazans, that’s for sure. Have you seen the explosions when some of those Israeli bombs go off? Especially the bunker-busters. Apocalyptic. The thing that sticks in my craw (you may have to look that one up) is that many of those bombs are American bombs. We either provide them directly as military aid or we provide huge sums of money to Israel to buy them… from us. A difference without a distinction.
Those Gazans who invaded Israel on Oct. 7 deserve no less. I have no pity for them, even while I see Gaza destroyed. But what about the remaining universe of Gazan citizens? Do they deserve the death penalty?
I have written “Gaza = Hamas,” based on a long-ago vote and the apparent support of Hamas among Gazans. Now I think the correct equation is “Gaza = people threatened by Hamas.”
May I substitute “Israel” for Gaza? Thus, “Israel = people threatened by Hamas.” In both cases, people threatened by Hamas.
Imagine yourself in a tented market in what remains of Gaza City today. You announce, “Did I mention that I’m a Jew?” Most shoppers would ignore you while they go about their business of survival shopping. They can no longer buy essential goods and services in Israel like they used to, back when they liked living side-by-side. Clean water was plentiful then.
Hamas supporters would be summoned and they would kill you, just for being a Jew. For being a self-declared Jew. They did it on Oct.7, 30 miles away, and they’re on their home turf now. Home field murder advantage.
Am I an anti-Semite if I don’t want to further drain the American treasury on behalf of Israel? I maintain that I am not and that it isn’t necessary in the first place.
Am I pro-Russia if I don’t want to further drain the American treasury on behalf of Ukraine? I maintain that I am not and that it isn’t necessary in the first place.
Am I anti-American if I don’t want to further drain the American treasury on foreign entanglements? Korea, anyone? Taiwan? I maintain that I am not and that it isn’t necessary in the first place.
Am I anti-American if I demand accountability for the billions of dollars we spend overseas on projects we don’t understand and whose outcomes are not in line with the outcomes and values we want for America?
It’s time for me to be loudly pro-America. Come with me. Husband our limited treasury and use it to make our lives better. Reduce our reliance on foreign goods (hello, Chinese meds) and restore our own economy (hello, American oil).
You don’t have to be anti-ANYTHING to be pro-America. My family paid for my share of America, just like yours did, and we have continued paying, in the face of corruption on a scale never before seen here.
I am loyal to our flag and to the republic for which it stands. I have paid the price and I can stand with my forebearers. I demand to be heard.
Come with me. I’m not an anti-Semite.