Hating America
The hatred is working. You can see it in Congress, on campuses and among your neighbors. They hate because everyone is hating.
Neighbors? Yes. Someone had to vote in those scurrilous members of The Squad and their sycophants. They were your neighbors, at least somebody’s neighbors in America.
Where did our neighbors’ hatred come from? We went to the same schools, we read the same books, we go to the same churches, we intermarry. Yet some are rabid haters, anti-American by any definition. They are not like us, we imagine.
Yet they are us. Molded of the same clay as we, but they burn with the need to hate someone or something. If they could just hate hard enough or long enough, their lives would be better and they could have the things they want and they could be at peace. If you have to pay the cost of their hatred, well, so what?
They are American Narcissists. “Everything for me, I as long as I don’t have to pay. We deserve it. Our moms and our friends told us so. You? Well, no. You’re different.”
Many of the American Narcissists have never worked, never created, never farmed or ranched or raised or grown. They still want stuff, though. They still need to feed their broken families. They still need to prove they are worthy; they are good enough; they are as good as… you. But without the work and sweat and sacrifice you endured. The things you suffered to get what you have. Those things are quite inconvenient to them, and why bother if the subsistence checks keep coming?
In AOC’s case, I suspect an insatiable ego coupled with the burden of being cutesy. It’s difficult for her to believe the world doesn’t revolve around her. It always has, from being a cutesy bartender to being a cutesy Congresswoman. But she is still the lightest of Congressional lightweights, a cutesy nonentity among entities, her vote counting only on spending and pork projects.
To put a finer point on it, where did AOC’s hatred come from? The Squad’s hatred, their apparent hatred of America?
I can almost understand the goofy anti-semite Ilhan Omar, the one who supposedly married her brother. Ilhan is a refugee who sought a better life in the America she hates. She was brought up on hatred and used it to achieve power by hating America. Hitler used it to achieve power, too.
Hatred wrecks things, people things, relationships, promises, understandings. The United States of America is a people thing, too.
Enough hatred will wreck the United States. That’s the plan. It’s working.
EDIT: Ron DeSantis, on behalf of the State of Florida, DID send a plane to evacuate Americans. Couple other Americans did, too. The USA? Well, not yet. Same for the billionaires. Too busy?