Prighozin In Hell
Told ya so. Back on June 29, when I wrote:
"Really? Attack Moscow? Executions will follow, of course. Lots of them. No defense will be allowed. There will be show trials, just like in the 1930s. Prigozhin will die. There is no dissent in the Russian military or civilian life. If you think you see some, you are seeing a lie."
Of course, no one was going to attack Moscow from within Russia. Even the Chechens aren't that stupid. Murders, yes, they'll do that, even mass murders at children's theaters and kindergartens, but that only annoys the cops and National Guard. But take on the real Russian military? With equipment they gave you? On the Orders of Madness Scale, 1-10, what would that be? Ten isn't high enough.
I missed on the "show trials" comment, at least thus far. Maybe they learned their lesson in '37. Can't let people see these days, or ask questions. Too much media. The alternative is just to disappear people. Important men got a ride in the country back then, Burnt by the Sun-style, lesser men were shoved into the execution room and their blood ran down a trough. I've seen one. I also wrote "No defense will be allowed." Pretty sure that one will hold.
But "Prigozhin will die?" Nailed it. Looks like someone, someone with a MANPAD that is, shot down his executive jet this morning, US time. You can't just buy a MANPAD (Man-portable Air Defense System) just anywhere but the Russian military has one in every closet. Not much of a problem to station someone in the known flight path of a private jet and tell him when to shoot. Gives the shooter something to brag about over vodkas until he, too, is silenced. Pity the two pilots and the server. No pity for the others.
Are there any lessons for us here? I don't think so, just reaffirmations of what we already know and choose to forget or ignore. Lessons about who you can trust and how far.
Putin's greed, arrogance and villainy know no bounds. Compare that to Biden and even Biden's greed is tempered. Chump change in comparison.
The arrogance? How about Biden giving $700 to each Lahaina resident while his FEMA staff, the ones that didn't respond to the fire, stayed in $1,000-a-night-plus Maui suites where the Lahaina fire wasn't such an annoyance. Mel Brooks: "It's good to be king."
The limits? I have COVID for the second time. My vaccine card is full up but I have it again. Small example, big lesson:
Don't trust government.